During the humid summer months, the appearance of bugs can be a very annoying thing to deal with. Whether it’s that one annoying bug you can’t get out of your home — or the army of mosquitos that target your arms and legs every single time you walk outside — these flying critters can be downright unbearable.
However, there are ways to ward off bugs. The current market is packed with a plethora of different types of bug spray. However, one must do their research when attempting to procure the best one for themselves. Each spray has different ingredients, and could react differently for some people based upon its contents. This piece will offer a guide on how to pick the best bug spray.
Learning How to Apply
The first step is learning how to apply bug spray — particularly with small children in the home. More often than not, the adult will be tasked with sheltering the small child with the said spray.
It’s imperative to be stragetic when finding placement. One should avoid spraying the child anywhere on the hands, or near their faces. The adult runs the risk of the child ingesting some of the spray by accident. Instead, the prudent thing would be to spray the arms, legs, and potentially the back of the neck.
The last thing any adult wants is the child putting their hands in their mouth, or rubbing chemical spray accidentally into their eyes.
Reading The Label
This is something many of us take for granted when we eat, drink, or consume something.
The same premise exists with bug spray. Reading the front/back label will offer plenty of information. Some bug spray is only used for specific bugs. It would be a shame to purchase a full case of bug spray — only to then find out that it doesn’t work against the pest in your backyard/on your camping trip. The repellents are specifically engineered for various types of bugs.
Avoid Competing Chemicals
Many companies want to be trendy by offering dual bug spray-sunscreen products. In theory, these are great — particularly when being outside for a long period of time. However, perception isn’t always reality.
Based upon many studies, data indicates that mixing these two products together minimizes their respective effectiveness. Additionally, sunscreen is usually used…in the sun. A bug such as a mosquito usually thrives towards dusk/nighttime — where sunscreen isn’t required.
Less Might Be More
The potential chemicals within certain bug sprays can irritate the skin of its users. It also has a habit of impacting people differently. As such, studies suggest using a lower-concentration spray. This may minimize any discomfort compared to a stronger contentated spray.
Additionally, many are using natural products to ward off the advancement of bugs. Some of those products include vanilla, citronella, and other plant-based items.
Image Source: Morning Chores